Tuesday, November 13, 2007

From an Aunt to her Nephew on his 1st B-Day

**This is a BIG file, so it might take a while to load. Please let me know if you have problems viewing the video.

I know mum can sound annoying, but trust me, you want your speakers on for this one!!!

Thank you my dear friends for caring while I was away... you guys are the best! There's LOTS and LOTS to post, including STINKIES' B-Day!! Stay tuned!!

For anyone that wants to save a copy, or view it outside of the browser, right-click and "save link as" (FireFox), or "save target as" (IE):

STINKY's Video


Putter said...

Sunshade! Sunshade!

This is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! It is wonderfulest ever!!!!!! We have missed you so much Sunshade!!!!!! I hope you had a goodest ever time with Stinky on his first ever birthday!!!!! Talk to you soonest!!!!!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Duke said...

OMG, you're back! What a beautiful birthday tribute, Sunshade! Mom cried all the way through and when she got to the end she was sobbing! They were all tears of joy! Jaffa is one handsome boy! You're the best aunt ever!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

That was beautiful. Stinky and my girl share the same birthday.

Joe Stains said...

We loved this whole video, even the mushy part at the end where you admitted to loving the stinky! We love the part in the song where there is a magical place where nobody tells us NO! Where is this place!!???

Happy Birthday to STINKY!

Charlie said...

What a great video! We're so glad you're back. The blogosphere just isn't as sunny without Sunshade!
- Charlie

Kirby said...

Oh Sunshade,

What a lovely video. Mom was crying through the whole thing. She thought it was so sweet. You are such a wonderful Aunt to your Stinky. You are molding him into a wonderful Aire-boy and we can only hope Jaffa will turn out just like you. Wish him and Stellie a very, very happy first birthday. Can't wait to see what you've been up to.

Your pal,

Oh-Welcome back! We've missed you and Jaffa soooo much. I'm so happy you're back!!!!!

Faya said...

It is so beautiful Sunshade !!! I knew it : you love him....I always knew it.....
Kisses, Faya

Mojo, Digger and family said...

Oh, wow, that's so lovely, Sunshade. Bet he's wiping a tear from his eye right now.

good to see you back, too.


Goofy said...

tat's so lovely....tears dropping...

Stanley said...

Sweeeeeet Sunshade!

Sorry, girl, but I can't view the video... and I really want to.

Glad you're okay. I'll try later (it's a Quick Time problem and I don't have a MAc).

Goober love & smooches,

Harry said...

Grr, we can't see the video!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Anonymous said...


Mom was sobbing through this one. You are the best aunt -- I'm glad I'm part of the pack that's for sure!!

Hope your mom saved you a bit of b'day cake -- if not, I'm sure you have goodies coming for your special day!

Love you guys.

Snowball said...

That is a really lovely barkday wishes for Jaffa. He is really lucky to be part of your pack and having you watch over him and pawtect him against other dogs all this while.

I am waiting to see the barkday celebrations. Post them soon...


Asta said...

Welcome Back! I've missed you!
My Mommi is dwipping all ove the pooter now..that was the most bootiful moving video evew!
I aways knew you love youw Stinky!
I hope he had a vewy happy Birfday!! Since he's with you, I know he did!
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

what a touching video sunshade! and how stinky has grown! i'm sure he enjoyed his 1st year with you :)

Stanley said...


That was a bootiful video (worth the wait), and YOU are my hero! I hope I can be half the big brother to my stinky Stella as you have been a great mentor to your STINKY boy Jaffa! You inspire me!

My girl is in a puddle on the floor, and she keeps hugging on me. You just seem to do something to her (and me)!

Goober love & smooches,

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Sunshade, Stinky (ooops sorry Jaffa!) and your Mama!

Thank goodness you are back!

We have missed you soooooo much! Happy Barkday to Jaffa, and what a wonderful video, my Jeannie has had some eye trouble and is just getting better, then she watched your video and it made her eyes just run all over again.

Sunshade, You are my Sunshade, I will always love you!

love and leaking eyes licks, Marvin xxxxxxx

and Jeannie xxxxx who has not been blogging cos she could not bear to look at the bright screen of the computer, but much better now!

lovely video and music! wow!

Lillie Valentine said...

What a wonderful video! You can tell that your family LOVES you guys SO much (You too sunshade). Mom was slobbering all over the keyboard. She's so emotional.

jaffeboy said...

That is sooooo sweet, Sunshade. I'm glad you are finally back! We all missed you soooooo....

Anonymous said...

Aww Miss Sunshade... what a beautiful tribute to Jaffa! Mom had tears in my eyes the entire time!