Thursday, February 10, 2011

My SuperUPDATE!!!

Hello friends, it's been a while.... I know.... We've been busy working on the Squaire Dog Website as well as other regular work stuff. According to mum, my special care is very time consuming as well. (mum: I am honoured to have this once in a life time opportunity to be able to take care of such an amazing girrrrrl. I would do it all over again, and for the rest of my life if I could!)

So I know I still owe you many posts from my trips and adventures, but I just wanted to give you a short update to let you know that I'm doing GOOOOOD (see video proof below)!!!

Part of my special care is that mum takes me somewhere fun EVERYDAY, and everyday is a different place. Today was Stanley Park!

(umm.... you will notice that I am three quarters groomed in the video.... so I still have cowboy boots on one of my hind legs...)
(mum: Don't really want her to have to stand for too long, so I scissor one leg a day. Her coat was also very matted because she had been swimming 3 times a week. It takes quite some time to de-matt them. Sorry, video iPhone quality.)

After Stanley Park, I got to go see my Auntie Janice and Auntie Jen for them to take some blood from me to run a Cushing's test panel. What a great day it was, I got to go to a fun place, AND to go see my Aunties where they stuffed me with yummy healthy TRRRRRRRREATS!!

(mum: First of all, I would like to thank our friends for the outpouring of prayers and good thoughts sent via comments, e-mails, msn, Facebook & sms. Sunshade is doing well. She had a couple of none cancer related health concerns after the New Years, but seems to have stabilized. Her Cushing's Disease is well under way to being controlled. As a result, she is feeling more energetic, more engaged in life outside of eating. She bears the 6 inch scar from her Soft Tissue Sarcoma surgery site, but that's about the extend the "cancer" is affecting her. I have done quite a bit of research, and have Sunshade on an intense anti-cancer, immunomodulatory diet & supplementation regiment. I will post about what we are doing when Sunshade gets to eat her 12th B-Day cake in November 2011, as it will mark the first anniversary since diagnose.

Lastly, if I may ask...... please continue to keep Sunshade in your thoughts. Thank you.)


Duke said...

We can't wait to read all about your healthy new diet in November and celebrate your 12th birthday!
You looked so happy in your video, Sunshade. It makes us smile!
Not a day goes by that we don't send you tons of AireZen and think of you and Jaffa and your sweet mum.
We love you guys!

Maggie and Mitch

Lulu Höller said...

Oh Miss Sunshade, you are ALWAYS in my thoughts...

Lots of love to you, Jaffa, and that sweet mama of yours!


Princess Patches said...

Miss Sunshade, we are soooooo glad you are doing well, but we are still sending you loads of healing Aire-zen and crossing all our paws for you! (Also for Jaffa and your mum)!

Penny & Patches

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We are lookin' forward to celebrating your 12th B.D. wit ya! We just luvs cake!

Homer said...

Hey Sunshade,

Your retrieving skills are impeccable!

Love reading your blog. Keep posting!


Jake of Florida said...

Grrrrreat news SuperGirrrrl!!!! Our Mom's birthday is in November too, so perhaps you two can share some cake!!!

Our flat selves remember Stanley Park -- a fun fun place.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

NelsonandBoober said...

Hugs, hugs, and more hugs!!!
nelson & boober

Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

That's wonderful news, Sunshade! I love how happy and great you look in the video too. I can't wait to read all about your new diet and celebrate your 12th barkday as well!

You, Jaffa, and furmaily are always in my thoughts, and I'm sending you lots of my Mal-vibes every single day!

Loving Woofs,

brooke said...

Great news Sunshade! And so glad to see you running around and having fun (even if you have one ungroomed leg! :) )!

Charlie said...

We are so happy that you're doing well, Sunshade! And glad to hear that you're having fun everyday. Keep up the good work!!
- Charlie & Anne

The Thuglets said...

Absolutely brilliant to see you!

We think of you often. So pleased to see your video. You put a big smile on our faces!

Lots of pawsative thoughts for your health.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Sunshade...I LOVE YOUR NAME!!
Thanks for dropping by to say hi to me and letting me know you are doing well. It was my pleasure to send purrs for you as you were recuperating. You have a very very nice mom who is giving you lots of TLC....

Joyce said...

Sunshade!!!! So happy to see you!!! And we're so so so happy to hear that you're doing well.

That is a really nice beach you're at (in the video). The water is so clean!!! Maybe one of these days we can go hang out together on the beach? Yah, sounds like a good idea :)


Finni said...

Thinking of you every day!

It's wonderful to see you enjoying yourself so much Sunshade!

Well done Elaine. Keep up the good work (as if you need telling :) )

Sending loads of Airezen
Finni & Nelly & Mum xxx

White Dog Blog said...

Sunshade you are quite the water pup, I think my brother, Quinn (the LA surfer boy) would love to play with you! Glad that you are well and eating properly...keep up the good work and we will keep sending White Dog positive energy your way. We want to be there in Nov. to celebrate your birthday and your victory!

the many Bs said...

wow, that was a great fun time at Stanley Park. that looks like a great place to play and bark. we can tell you are having so much fun! we would love to join you.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OH I ADORE CAKE...not till November??!!

Now Miss Sunshade...first of all Stanley thinks you named that park after him...(he's blushing....)

Secondly, that water looks FREEZING! I am so glad you had the good sense to wear a coat over your furs...very trendy....

Thirdly, you mom has the PRETTIEST voice...she sounds quite young...Mumsie's quite jelly!

We are soooooooooooo keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, dear girlie!!!

Love you and J. buckets...kisses to your mom!!

Miss Lacie Teacakes!


Note to Elaine...Sunshade looks AMAZING!!!!!

And you my dear, sound nuthin' like Stan...much more of a sexy throaty growl!!!

Molly said...

So very happy to have a posting and know you are all well. Always in our thoughts!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sunshade and Mom!
I was worried about you but now I am very happy to see you happy too!
Glad you are doing well.
I am ready to celebrate your 12th Birthday next November!
Paws crossed here for you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hey Sunshade. I missed seeing you on your blog.
You look great. How lucky you got to go to Stanley Park.

See ya

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Sunshade, we've missed you and think of you and your mum often. We send you our thoughts and prayers for an uneventful run-up health-wise to your 12th birthday.

Lacy said...

w00fs, so glad Sunshade is feeling somewhat better...looks like u had soo much fun at the beach..

b safe,

Anonymous said...

hi miss sunshade, how do i find you in facebook??

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

What an uplifting post. You look so healthy whilst romping in the ocean. And those big logs you fetch! Yikes those things are huge and you shake on command. We are impressed Sunny!!! You're full recovery is in our mom's prayers and we'll keep PawPower activated.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie

Asta said...

I'm so glad you
we back and Mostly I'm so happy to wead that you awe feeling bettew. That youw cushing's undew contwol and because of youw suwgewy and youw Mama's pawfect cawe you awe keeping that howwid big C at bay
I will continoo to cwoss my paws and Mommi will continoo to pway fow youw health
smoochie kisses

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We are also most happy to hear from you again. We've been most concerned at the lack of news and were quite worried. We're so pleased that you are feeling better and your treatments are going so well. We're keeping our paws crossed for you!

Jed & Abby