Friday, December 07, 2012

Splish SPLASH!!!!

I'm a Pacific Northwest gurrrrrrl, I don't mind the rain!!

I still take mum on SuperLONG walks in the pouring rain,

Then I look for puddles......

And I tell mum I'm SuperREADY for the splash!

I get in position......


Here's the SPLASH!

I SuperLOVE this game!!!

I'm a true west coast gurrrrrrlie!


Duke said...

Good for you for not minding the rain, Sunshade! We are wimps and want mom to hold umbrellas over our heads to keep us dry! You are very brave!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Lorenza said...

You need to share your technique!
I am going to show my mom your video! In my dreams I can see her playing that splashing game with me!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Dawling soopew giwl Miss Sunshade
It's obvious that yoo know how to have a most wondewful time in any weathew. And that wain looks pawsitively fun

Younho hiwl!
Smoochie kisses

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Ah so that's why you're all drippy.