Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Shopping

So its almost Halloween, and as usual, my EV-- mum came up with the greatest idea..EVER..

She decided to get me and STINKY to shop for costumes for each other.

Mum took me to the Three Dog Bakery since they have a lot of selections,

I got a little distracted by all the yummy smelling things,

Shopping was never my thing, nevermind shopping for costumes just so I can be dressed up!! I would much rather be shopping for flavoured raw hides.....

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, mum said I had to pick a costume for STINKY!!! So I looked around, and ...VOILA!

Couldn't have found something more errrr...appropriate...

I was happy with my buy, can't wait to see STINKY in it ... HEHEHE!

Sigh...on the other hand, I'm dreading what I'll be wearing....

STINKY and I will be cross posting, I will post what I got him, and he will post what he got me on his blog.


Duke said...

Excellent choice, Sunshade! We can't wait to see Jaffa dressed up as a shark! haha

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Black and Tans. said...

Sunshade we totally agree with you. Shopping for munchables is so much more interesting.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Dexter said...

Miss Sunshade,
I am most eager to see your costumes. I have no doubt that you chose something most appropriate for Stinky, but I am wondering if he might not have a somewhat distorted view of your true sweet nature.


The Airechicks said...

It's soooo Jaffa - might want the send it to Kimi next year for his new brother Rummi -

Rummi and Jaffa have a lot in common...

Perfect costume for Jaffa -
Hope Jaffa got the right size for your crown - cause every Princess needs the perfect sized crown

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

That looks like a furry cool place to shop. So many yummy food stuffs! Can hardly wait to see your little Stinky im his costume. Now we gotta figure out how to find his blog.
BabyRD & Hootie

ps-Hootie won for Best Bling at a costume party we went to on Thursday night. Please come visit our blog to see the photos!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sunshade!
I can't wait to see you two wearing your costumes!

Happy Halloween!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

We already saw what you picked for Stinky, GREAT choice. He is a shark for sure. I can't believe he started eating his costume in the movie, he is a doofus for sure.