Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday the 15th

This was how I spent the day. First, I spent about 4 hours at the apartment while mum groomed STINKY #2,

(mum: This is Jaffa's sister, Stella!!! I just LOVE this girl. She is the gentlest Airedale I know, and so very special to me. She and Jaffa are two peas in a pod, both so laid-back, so easy going. Excellent first time dog owner dogs. She is more sensitive than her brother though! SIGH... Jaffa!)

After mum was done with STINKY #2, we went to the University of British Columbia food court to get some foodables to eat. 

One problem though.... I realized..... 


However, I soon solved that problem.

Notice the similarity here?? I think I need to add this to the SuperDALE Breed post!!

After I finished eating, I went to do some weightlifting, (mum: picked another special rock :-))

And then some yoga exercises,

Boy that was exhausting!!

Once we got home, I ate din din, and then I went onto my SuperFORT for a well deserved snooze,

Keeping an eye on those pesky crowz,

This concludes a day in the life of the SuperDALE!


Duke said...

Stella looks beautiful!
You had an awesome day, Sunshade! We love your tongue curl!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

StinkyII is a cutie fer sure! We didn't know you had your own deck Sunshade. Wow, that is soooo cool! You deserve a rest. Have a good weekend.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & HOotie

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Oh E: That's really super cool. Sunshade has her own private sundeck with a ramp too. Very thoughtful. Is there a holder that you could clamp a sun umbrella onto if we ever get some sun?