Saturday, February 25, 2012

Update on My Grandbabies!!

Well, today started out VERY nerve wrecking.... I almost died..... I'll talk about that a bit later, but first, MY Grandbabies!!!!

As you can see......

My grandbabies are all doing well!! And guess what, they're all gurrrrrrrlies like ME!

They've grown a lot haven't they?

The three on the left are the babies. Their names are: Squeaky (she talks a lot and is very loud), Dumpling, and Ketchup (with red eyes). The one on the right with the white blaze down her face is MY Meatball the babies' mom.

I still take very good care of them, but their nails are getting very long and sharp and sometimes when they step all over me, it hurts, so I get up and move away. Otherwise, I'm still loving them!!

We share treats together,

Yup, raw carrots!!

They love those carrots, and they pee as they're eating them, but I don't care, I just get mum to clean up after them (I take care of their poo). (mum: she tries but I stop her whenever I can!)

MY bootiful Meatball,

This is Ketchup, she was left out because D-Guy luuuuuuurves her,

Everyday, D-Guy would take her out from her cage and spend some quality time with her. He says she has the best temperament and is very sweet,

And then it was Sesame's turn to run around. HE can't come out with Meatball and the gurrrrls because mum says he gets too frisky around them.

But look at what D-Guy did....... yes, he's gigantic now.....

He just had to bring Mean Juice out to ruin the peace!

I was NOT happy about Mean Juice being out, see my ears?

I couldn't enjoy my time with Sesame because Mean Juice was lurking around, ready to charge at me anytime.....

Finally, Juice went under the sofa bed and the peace was again restored,

Now about the SCARY incident this morning that almost gave me a heart attack....

This is where Sesame, Meatball and the babies live. Sesame has his own cage on top, and all the gurrrrrls share the big cage on the bottom,

Guess where I found Sesame this morning???

Yup... IN the toilet...... (and Evil-mum's first reaction was NOT to save him but to run and get the camera!!!!! Wait til she falls into the toilet!)

(mum: okay, he really was at no risk of drowning, all four feet were touching the toilet bowl and his head was way above the water.)

Since Evil-mum was in no hurry to rescue poor Sesame, I decided to give a shot, I tried to pick him up, but all I got was his haire..... See, he was so scared he had pooped in the toilet (mum: that's where poops belong!!)

So I tried to see if I could get him from the bottom,

FINALLY! Evil-mum decided Sesame deserved to be rescued!!

How did poor Sesame end up in the toilet?

Good question....

Well, here is my theory - Sesame is a boy, and D-Guy says boys like gurrrrls. So naturally, Sesame is always trying to get to Meatball and the gurrrrrrls. WHOEVER (he should not be named) that fed Sesame last night forgot to close the lid to his cage, so in a world deprived of female presence, Sesame did the unthinkable. Boy was he in for a big surprise because instead of landing in the fantasy world, he landed in the unimaginable..... TOILET BOWL!

After Sesame was rescued, Evil-mum decided he needed a bath!

SERIOUSLY?? After all he's been through??

(mum: we don't use that toilet, but still, you need a bath after you've been swimming in the toilet!)

I kept a watchful eye on him to make sure he doesn't get *almost* drowned, AGAIN!

I helped dry him,

I thought he might be cold so I snuggled up next to him,

He looks pretty cozy next to my SuperFUR don't you think?

Seriously mum, I'm TWELVE years old, I can't take anymore of this kind of STREEEEEESS.....

OH, and guess what D-Guy and STINKY were up to when all of this was going on?

They were BREAKING bowls in the yard!!! D-Guy said it was STINKY's fault.

(mum: yes, life with two Airedales and THEIR pets = never a dull moment!)

If you want to see more pictures and videos of me and MY Grandbabies, here are the links:


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Sunshade, it looks as though you have a full house there. More gp's than I could handle, a giant attack bunny, the D-guy, gee what else could you add?

George The Lad said...

Hi Sunsade
Thanks for sharing your news, good job Sesame didn't get flushed away!!! you are such a good mother.
Mom loves GP's she always had them is pets when she was growing up. She love's hearing them talk:)
Keep us updated on how they are getting on.
Have a Good Week
See Yea George xxx

Duke said...

I just LOVE that first picture of you and your grandbabies, Sunshade. You look so happy!
Thank goodness Sesame is safe and he didn't drown in the toilet bowl! My mom thought this story was incredibly funny and I'm just relieved like you are, Sunshade!

Love ya lots,

Dexter said...

Miss Sunshade! I cannot believe that D-Guy let that giant attack rabbit out when your babies were playing. Good thing you were close by to protect them.

As for that Sesame, well, being in full possession of my nards, I DO understand how one's thinking can get a bit muddled when there are girls around.


Princess Patches said...

Sunshade, you are the greatest of grandmoms! We sure are glad Sesame is okay. What a day he must have had...I bet he doesn't want to near any water any time soon!


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

We can hardly believe how big your grandbabies are! You all look so terrific in the family photos. And poor Sesame. What a trauma for him. Thank goodness you were there to alert your mama. (The pictures are kinda funny!!) Love you bunches.
BRD & Hootie

ps-We HATE the new word verification. Mommy is half blind and has a heck of a time trying to do it.

brooke said...

Does this mean you are keeping all of them?!

Peggy Frezon said...

You must be very busy with all those friends to take care of! I love guinea pigs, I had rabbits and guinea pigs when I was younger. I love the way the guinea pigs squeak and purr. Good thing they can swim, but still that is not the best swimming place!

Rama's Mama said...

LOVED reading all about your grandbabies! Poor Sesame! :-( I'm so glad the poor dear didn't get flushed! Would love to follow your blog but I can't figure out how... :-(

Rama's Mama said...

Oh! Found your fb page! I will follow there!

The Army of Four said...

Sunshade, you've GOT to be the sweetest, most patient girl! Your grand babies are just adorable - and dare I say they look a bit like you? Color-wise, anyway!
Glad Sesame is OK - whew! Maybe he wanted to go swimming!
Is Mean Juice really mean? He looks pretty cool. I'd love to make friends with him - and all of you!
Play bows,

Anonymous said...

This was sooo funny I was laughing the whole time :) I love all your cute little stories about your cute little furry creatures, hehehe, they are all soo happie