Friday, November 25, 2011

Birfday SPUNK!

Mum has been busy, but I told her I WASN'T FINISHED WITH MY 12TH BIRFDAY POSTS YET!!!


This was what I did as soon as I woke up on my 12th birfday, (btw, if you need some window art done, I'm up for hire. I take tripe stickies as payment.)

I picked out a birfday pressie for myself, from this big box!!

Mum met a Facebook friend, Linda, at Canada's Biggest Dog Show last month, and Linda told mum that she could get a BIG box of one of my favouritest treats (the stinky tripe stickies) for only $50. This was Linda at the Tripe vendor with her 11 year old Airedale Pee-ka-boo!!

I wanted to take MY (self-given) birfday pressie out to enjoy in MY yard,

Mum traded me with another bag, one that was MUCH lighter....

I took it anyway,

And out I went!

I opened the bag the SuperDALE way,

Got the tripe stick out, and ate it the SuperDALE way as well,

When I was done, I asked mum why the bag she gave me was so much lighter than the bag I had initially picked out,

However, before mum could answer, I spotted intruders (can you spot the two of them??)

I HATE crow crows!! They are ALWAYS watching me when I'm eating!! (mum: she goes berserk whenever she hears me say "crow crow" lol!)

So I always try to keep MY yard crow crow free!!

I might have slipped out a few profanities here and there.....

Must I jump out of my second floor window to get you?????? Because I WILL!!!!

That's right! Fly, FLY AWAAAAAAY!!!


I went back inside, and got myself another birfday pressie,

Evil-mum took the pressie away from me, so I went and got a second baggie and wanted OUT with it!

With every pressie that I took for myself, Evil-mum would take it away, and put it on the counter,

Told her to GIVE IT!!

But she said NOOOOO....


Third time's the charm right???

WRONG!!! She made me drop-it...... (she used her scawie voice)

Maybe the 4th bag??

No go.....

5th bag!!

(mum: I don't know why Jaffa makes that whining noise only when he's sucking on a stuffy. He falls asleep with a stuffy in his mouth every night, and before he does, he whines! As soon as you take the stuffy away, he stops whining!! Anyone know why this might be??)

After I went outside, mum came out with ONE tripe stickie and traded me for the whole bag - bad deal but too yummy to resist...

By the time I came in, I saw Evil mum had done this......

Can you believe it???

That's no way to treat a birfday gurrrrrrl!

Oh well, TAKE THIS!!

Well, at least I got a little bit out of it.....

Then I taught a birfday lecture,

It's MY birfday, I can do no wrong!

(mum: I know Sunshade appears totally and utterly out of control in this post. The truth is, those are behaviours that I know if I really told her to stop, she would. They are also behaviours that she would only ever do when she is in a very happy mood. Fortunately for me, she's only in her very happy mood when I'm around. In other words, the box of tripe treats are left on the ground 100% of the time and she would never touch them while I'm out (as soon as I come home, she would go grab a bag and either throw it around or go stand by the door lol). Same with counter surfing, since controlling her Cushing's Disease, she hasn't counter surfed or scrounged for food when left alone. So, please don't follow my example if you have a dog that is in the training stage.

With all that said, Sunshade must have known it was her birthday or something as she's never done ALL THAT within a one hour span!!)


Duke said...

Those tripe treat must be awfully good for you to keep stealing them, Sunshade!
We just loved the last video! Mitch spins in circles just like Jaffa does and we know that Jaffa loves being told off because the same thing happens at our house!
We think your birthday should continue for another whole month!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Cisco Kid Ochoa said...

Fun reading, and we know you would never do anything bad, unless your Mom was around, we do the same darn thing.......Happy Birthday!

Cisco Kid Ochoa said...

Great reading, thanks for sharing. We know you'd never be bad when your Mom's not around, we do the same thing, we are only bad when she's around to notice, what fun is being "bad" if no one is around to say no! Happy Birthday Sunshade!

Finni said...

Oh Sunshade you make us laugh! Finni is just like you when he REALLY wants something he will go and INSIST on doing it or having it. Irresistible! Yet when I'm not there he (and Nelly) is very, very good!
Must be an Airedale thing ... we love it!
Headrubs & Nibbles
Finni & Nelly

PeeEss: any news on girl A?

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Happy birthday Sunshade, your evil mum has certainly loaded up on the tripe treats. I bet the D0guy won't mistakenly eat one of those.