Thursday, February 25, 2010

Official 2010 Winter Olympics MASCOTS!!

Hi friends, I hope you have been enjoying the Olympics over the last week and a half.

Today, I would like to introduce to you the Official Mascots for the 2010 Winter Olympics.

They are Quatchi, Miga, Sumi and Mukmuk!

I will introduce two of them to you in this post, and STINKY will introduce the other two on his blog.

First, it's Quatchi, he's mum's favouritest,

Quatchi, a shy and gentle giant, is a Sasquatch; a popular figure in local native legends of the Pacific West Coast.

The Sasquatch reminds us of the mystery and wonder that exists in the natural world.

Although Quatchi loves all winter sports, he's especially fond of hockey

and dreams of becoming a world-famous goalie.

Second, it's Miga, (Miga doesn't usually stink, but in this case, it's a STINKY one)

Miga is a snowboarding Sea Bear inspired by the legends of the Pacific Northwest First Nations tales of Orca whales that transform into bears when they arrive on land.

Part Spirit Bear, a rare white bear unique to British Columbia, Miga's outgoing spirit and high energy draw her to action and adventure.

Now here is a picture that shows the extremely abused Quatchi and Miga.....

Now you see this GIGANTIC Quatchi sitting beside me? He's 38" in height in case you were wondering,

Mum first saw it on our trip to Whistler way back in October. We visited the Official 2010 Store in Whistler,

Yes, being the perfect me, I was welcomed into all the stores in Whistler Village.

I had my picture taken with all the Mascots (I didn't look like a Sasquatch back then, I was well groomed),

Then mum saw it again during our last trip to Whistler just a couple weeks before the Olympics started. She loved him, so EVIL D-Guy told mum that if she would retire THREE out of five of my *ahem* toys.....

Then he would get the GIANT Quatchi for mum.

My EVIL mum said "OK" without hesitation, can you believe it???

The two toys I was allowed to keep were:

Me & MY Fat Rat,

(mum: that was my Christmas present from two years ago...... LOL)

And MY horsie......

They are soooo EVILLLLLLLLL!!!

What do I - Miss Perfect SuperDALE gain out of it????


WATCH OUT Mr. Quatchi, I will LOVE LOVE LOVVVVVVVVVVVE you when mum's not watching!!!


Dexter said...

Oh my. You certainly are enthusiastic about your toys.


Duke said...

OMG, she made you get ride of Ellie the Elephant, Sunshade? She was my favorite! Maybe you can convince your pals to come back when your mom is out shopping or something!
You and Stinky look so cute in your fancy hats!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Monika said...

Nice toys. Absolutely fit for the winter Olympics. I am watching and enjoying all the action in Dish TV .

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh Sunshade you are so funny. I so enjoyed reading this post.

ps. did ya see the Aussie's win 2 gold medals woohoo

Lorenza said...

Mr Quatchi is going to know how much you can love it!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

Oh Sunshade, GO FOR THE GOLD with that Quatchie dude. So where did your love toys end up?!