Saturday, June 30, 2007


I got to see and HEAR what "paintballing" was all about today.

Mum's friends invited mum to go paintballing with them. Mum rejected to playing because she said she was bringing me, but went to watch anyway. (SHE said she didn't play because she thought I would have fun at the barn, so she "sacrificed" (that's a quote) and brought me with her. But I think she was just too chicken of being shot, didn't want to get her clothes dirty. Bringing me was just a cover up... SHHHHH.....)

Anyway, the games were held at The Barn in Mission, BC. (It is a barn, literally LOL)

Hoomans put these,

In these,

Dress like these, (please ignore the one without a gun, SHE was too chicken, like I said)

And they make these noises. Watch how un-bothered I was by the bang Bang BANG BANG's!!

I ate grass, despite all the shooting

I even caught some bugs despite all the shooting in the background

The noises from guns being fired were actually a lot louder than what you hear from the videos. Notice STINKY was no where to be seen? That's because he didn't come. Mum was afraid the sound coming from all the shootings would scare him so he went to his friend's house to play.

Mum and I stayed in the "neutral zone" while her friends were in combat. The "neutral zone" is an area where no shooting is allowed whatsoever, and it is the set up area for most people.

I was so hot, I dug a hole in the neutral zone.....

It wasn't just any hole, it was a hole in the coolest (pun intended) spot I could find.....

YUP! Under a truck!!

It is much cooler, much shadier, and makes a much happier gurrrrl!!

I took a nap,

Woke up,

Had a few slurps of ice.....

Got a little hungry, so I went to MY bag and looked for the "SOURCE" (mum: a bag of treats I brought..)

Found it, and finished it. Unfortunately, I couldn't hide the evidence.

I was getting kind of bored, and was getting warm again, so mum and I went for a walk. I put my nose to work, and guess what I found!!


I was so happy because I love water, and that was exactly what I needed to cool my boiling blood down.

I chased rockies that mum threw,

And then - I found my SPECIAL ROCK!!

It was so special, I brought it back with me to the neutral zone.

Mum threw MY special rock into the tall grasses, and I "bunny hopped" to find it!! The little pounce I did basically told you when the special rock was located. I *always* do a little pounce when I find MY special rock.

Did you see my happy tail going the WHOLE TIME???

Did you say ssssssssss-pecial rock???

I even fell asleep beside MY special rock,

Because I love MY special rock so much, mum let me bring MY special rock home. It is now in my yard amongst all my other special rocks!! (mum: she is constantly bringing special rocks home LOL)

This was the last picture we took before leaving the barn. Mum got to hold the gun for the picture, and I was a little worried at where the gun was pointing so I kept an eye on mum.

On the way back home.........


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Guess what SHE did!!

I had my swim session today. It was a lot of fun, just like always.

Mum threw my ball-balls,

I went and got them!

And then.....


Yup, mum got in the pool too!!

We were standing on the underwater treadmill here.

Mum said she wanted to use the under water massage hose to massage my sore muscles. I am a VERY muscular gurl, and my muscles can get tense very easily. Recently, I've been suffering from a few muscle strains, so any kind of massage I get is greatly helpful.

Usually the therapist goes in the pool with the doggie and does all the massage, treadmill, swimming with the patient, but because I'm so special, Dr. Bowra lets mum do all that herself and we get discounted rates! I also get to have the pool for as long as I want (usually 30 min/session), as long as there are no appointments booked immediately after. I am such a SPECIAL gurrrrrl!!

(mum: we are very lucky Dr. Bowra offers us such privileges. We have been going to the rehab center since 2003, even before the pool was put in and have become great friends with everyone at the clinic. Dr. Bowra and his staff once joked and said we practically paid for pool LOL!)

I gotta admit, it was kinda fun having mum in the pool cause we got to play very intense Keep-Away games. This video was taken towards the end of our 90 min swim so I was pretty warm and pretty tired. It is the toned down version of our usual Keep Away game.

Yes... I was very warm.....

And kinda tired too....

After my swim session, mum said she would take me for a walk at the park.


We came to Aldergrove Park, and right away, my attention was drawn towards a particular gate...


I saw a gorgeous BOY!!!! He looked like Hammer but in black and tan. I think he's a handsome Gordon Setter.

He had my undivided attention. I slowly inched my way towards him.....

Closer and closer, from all direcitons...... (I had to make sure he was friendly you know?)

Finally, I gave in to his charm. This was my attempt to flirt with him from outside the gate. He, I'm sure, was simply too mesmerized by my sexy presence because he remained completely motionless (mum: that's what you get for being too forward!). I wanted to make a lasting impression on the handsome dude, so I left him my scent (mum: as in marked right in front of his gate), and made sure he got a good whiff of it (mum: as in kick it in his face...).

Watch the video, you will know what I'm talking about!

Mum had to tell me to "leave them" when the two little yappers were yapping because I have a tendency to be rude back to whomever that's rude to me...... But I listened to mum and controlled myself this time.

I was tired after my long swim and my little flirt session, so I decided to take a break beside the play ground.

A tired, but happy gurrrrrrl!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How long does it take to make a bed?

So how long does it take to make a comfy bed????

The answer: 2 minutes and 50 seconds!!!

That's right!!! I can make a comfy bed, anytime, ANYWHERE!! (mum: that's at a high school....)

Does it look comfortable???

Does my smile tell you how much I love the bed I made with my own sweaty paws??

An Earthy Terrier is a Happy Terrier!!!

The preferred nose/tongue look for a Terrier, any day, anytime!

The preferred beard look for a Terrier, any day, anytime!

A Teddy Bear crossed with a Boar and a Hippo.............

(I have no idea why I just said that......)

Anywayzzzzzzz, drop me a line if you need to have a custom made bed!!

(mum: did you know this girl, dug a hole so deep that she couldn't get out when she was only 8 weeks old?? Three days after I got her, my puppy disappeared from the yard. Then I heard cries coming out of a hole that was dug almost vertical. She had somehow slid into the hole she dug and couldn't get out.

Born a digger, always a digger!)

Pressie for MY blog

Have you notice my new banner?? Well it is my ONE YEAR blogging pressie to MY blog. I didn't make it, but I masterminded it.

Now, this is not just any banner, it does a few things:
  • If you stare at it long enough, you will see thought bubbles popping up from my head, and in the thought bubble, there will be a handsome boy dog (you know, because I love BOYZ!!). Every male dog that is on my friends list will appear in the thought bubble some time. I have about 95 BOYZ in there. The computer randomly picks male dogs to put in my thought bubble every few seconds.
  • Now if you are a boy dog and you would really like to see what Miss Sunshade does when she meets a handsome boy dog, you should move the cursor (which is in the shape of MY ring) over my muscle butt........
  • If you feel the scrolling pictures are moving too slow, you can speed it up by placing MY ring over either arrow on the side of the banner.
We are still testing this new banner so there might be few glitches here and there, please leave me a comment and let me know if you have troubles viewing my scrolling pictures, thought bubbles, or not able to see my reaction when you move the cursor over my muscle butt.

Internet Explorer users might need to click on the banner for the first time to activate the control.

BLOG Anniversary

Today hits the one year mark since I started blogging.

It is a special day because through blogging, I have met and became great friends with some of the
BESTEST and COOOLEST pups, hamsTERRIERS, and hoomans from all over the world.

Through blogging, I have been given the opportunity to not only read and see pictures of my friends, I also get to watch them in
ACTION!! Even though I know I will probably never get to sniff the butts with most of my BESTEST blogging friends (and BOYfriends), because of their blogs, I feel like I really do know how they smell, and I'm so grateful for it!

Through blogging, I have also been able to share with you what I do everyday, the
REAL Miss Sunshade behind the scenes, the REAL deal, the FULL SCOOP on MY life!!

So, in celebration of this special day, I asked mum to buy some YUMMIES to celebrate MY Blog's B-Day. Here are the wheat-free YUMMIES mum came back with from the Three Dog Bakery:

The Lickety-Split,

This is what it looked like inside,

And remember
I HATE chocolates??? Even tho these were carob drizzles, they smelled exactly like yucky chocolates. So mum had to scrape all the carob off just so I would eat it,

I can't remember what these were called, but they kinda look like ice cream sandwiches, or Nanaimo bars.

While mum was out shopping, I of course, was preparing for the celebration. I made signs,

I needed some help with the signs, so I asked STINKY to help me. He, of course agreed because well,
he just can't say no to me!

I don't know why I didn't make STINKY do all the work here, but I actually decorated myself too..... all for MY Blog I tell ya..

So we looked this way!!

Finally, mum brought out the YUMMIES ..... and she, of course, had all the power then.....
She made us pose and pose and POOOOOOOOOSE!

Finally, the time has come.......

Watch our heads tilt in the beginning when mum said "
OK" - which was our release command. Look at our faces, can you see how we just couldn't believe the trigger happy lady was actually setting us free to go EAT??? Do you know how many shots we had sat through already?? OH, and apparently, STINKY dislikes chocolate/carob as much as I do. He has never turned down a treat with carob on it before so mum didn't scrape his carob drizzle off. However, he didn't seem to want his carob drizzled Lickety-Split.

I gotta say, the Lickety-Split, even with all the carob scraped off, wasn't as amazing as I had imagined
(it looked like ice cream...... but didn't taste like it AT ALL...). However, I don't like to waste food, so I did manage to finish it.

After our little snack celebration, I asked mum if Georgie could get some YUMMIES too to celebrate. I never forget about MY Georgie.

I told mum to give Georgie his favouritest foods -
bananas, parsley, and carrots!!

MY Georgie is the
BESTEST, he never fails to give back. He always leaves me lots and lots of round, blackish, yummy treats because he knows I love them!! See, here I was checking if any fresh ones came out of Georgie.

Georgie did a celebration dance by standing up on his hind legs, just for MY Blog!!

He even opened his mouth and tried to sing Happy Birfday for MY Blog. Have you ever seen a rabbit's mouth opened so wide???

Oh, and look at his BIG nose. Hey Stanley (
of GooberStan Republic), do you think BIG, JUICY snouts run in the family??? (mum: she meant animals in the family, I'm pretty sure..)

I decided to stay in the garage with MY Georgie for a bit while he chomped on his YUMMIES. I am like this, I like to spend time with MY pet, to make sure he's ok and well taken care of.

The celebration for MY Blog continued throughout the evening. Guess what we got for din din??


It was SUPER yuuuuuummy too,

STINKY and I each got some,

This, drew a close to MY Blog's
First Anniversary Celebration,

I hope there will be many more to come!!!