Saturday, December 02, 2006

Snow action shots

Let me tell ya, my mum really can't take any action shots. I always have to sit very still, if I move, well, then the photos turn out to be like this!!

There are a few that I was WHOLE....

Yes, I was grooving to the snow bells,

Snow balls seemed to fall from the sky a lot...

Now boys boys, especially that few particular ones... please try not to pant too much when you see the next picture and please keep the imaginations to yourselves..


We'll be busy working on our cards this weekends!!


  1. We were rolling on the floor with laughter looking at your 'half' photos. And that second last photo of yours, what can we say...

    Ah boy: "Panting n Gasping. Cant breath"

  2. Ohh.. Sunshade, I was laughing hard looking at the photos. Can 'that' photo had my imagination going wild.. I am trying to convince my ma to use that as her computer's wallpaper..

  3. It's so fun to be playing in snow! You must be enjoying in that weather. How I wish we have it here in hot! hot! Singapore!

    The next best thing to snow in SG is RAIN!! I love digging on wet earth!

  4. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Seems like a whole lot of fun with snow there! Too bad i wont be able to experience it. ):

    ps; I love the last photo heh, was the snowball nice?

  5. Anonymous11:57 PM

    blue sky and snow and open field! :) looks wonderful! oh boy oh boy... love can kill. the older boys are gonna get a heartattack when they see that picture! :p

    i love the last picture. with that snowball in your mouth :)


  6. I'm still waiting for the snow.... I wonder how it is walking on the snow.... You are so lucky Sunshade. Kiss

  7. oh you are soooooo funny and cute all at the same time Miss Sunshade. The pictures are just lovely, My Jeannie takes some half pictures like these sometimes! Love the snow too!

    love and licks Marv xxxxx

  8. You look like you're having so much fun! My mom was laughing so hard at these photos. Love the last one! I like to eat snow too.
    Love ya lots!


  9. My Mom just gets blurs when I am moving.

    Bussie Kissies

  10. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Hello Miss Sunshade ! I have found something for you and only for you...

  11. Yep, your mom better get those cards done! Wouldn't you be embarrassed is she didn't make your cards and send them out? It's hell being dependent on humans for some things, isn't it? They can be so pokey sometimes.
    Big Wags,

  12. wow such great pictures .. you must really enjoy the snow.. We dont like it that much tooo COLD!!!!

    you can really jump!!

  13. Wow Sunshade, you like the snow a lot more than we do. And that one picture sure got my brother Duke all hot and bothered!


  14. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Love those snowballs! We get to chase them all the time up here. Sure looks like you had fun - at least bits of you did :-)

  15. I love those pictures... especially the - ahem - "special" one.

    You're such a beautiful, athletic girl! And the music is PERFECT!


  16. Miss Sunshade,
    I love your action shots, even the half Sunshade ones. I didn't look at the special photo..just let Chelsea know that, OK?

  17. Sunshade~
    And that's just like a Lady .How fun.Im digging the music..woof-woof

    Lot's of Lick's

  18. miss sunshade--

    great shots! the one of you making snow angels is LOVELY.


  19. Your mama normally video tapes these things?? Getting lazy is she???

    Great shots!


  20. Hee hee, those moving challenges are the best. Half pictures are just a sign that you're an expert challenger.

    You're one cute snow-bunny, Sunshade.

    Chow for now,

    Tin Tin xo

  21. The last 2 'half shots' of yours joined quite nicely, just that you seem to have a big body and small head... hee hee

    Let me tell you a little secret, my M cheats when she takes action shots. She'll take the photo with a little more background, so that there's more leeway for us to run and not get choppped off, and later crop off the parts she doesn't want in photoshop.

  22. Sunshade, you look so cute in the pictures. Haa haa on those where you got cut. I love the snow, I wish we get some in spore. And congrates on winning Photo of the month. :)

    ~ fufu

  23. those are some great action shots!!!

  24. Hey Sunshade,

    I'm more & more jealous that we don't have any snow, it looks like such good fun!

    Now my mum has her new camera, I'll have to practice the half in frame, half out technique!

    Off to update my blog.

    Oscar x

  25. The snow play is happy.
    It runs, and seem it to jump, and it to be pleasant.
    in the weather of which it clears up
    However, it is only fully a snow.

    From loved ume tyan

  26. NO FAIR!!!! I want to play in the snow too! *pouts*


  27. miss sunshade!

    you are so beautiful! you are beautiful no matter what you do!

    ps: i've seen some old pix of you humping the bolster and i still think you're so beautiful!

  28. You are so adorable! Don't worry, my girl also takes terrible action shots of me. She has told me while mid-jump in the air... "hold that pose, Ronak!" Riiiight. I'm not a SUPEReskie!!
    PS I just love your slideshow!

  29. Oh, Sunshade! Were you trying to make a snow angel? My hooman pups like making snow angels and that looks like what you are doing in that one picture!
    Love ya!
    Lillie Valentine

  30. Your action shots are better than the ones my lady takes, those end up just being sky or grass, absoulutely NO PART of me ends up in them!

    Enjoyed looking at the photogs, but my lady says I'm too young to look at "the one"....

    Murph the Dog

  31. Miss Sunshade, you look like you have having a blast in the snowwwww! It is sunny over here in California. My parents said last night was quite warm!

  32. oh wow! it started to snow here the tiniest bit, and i got excited...but then it stopped. maybe your Mum needs a camera that clicks faster! Yeah, it must be the camera, and not your Mum's fault, right? Looks like you're having tons of fun. Even making a snow dog angel?

  33. Hello Miss Sunshade

    You look soooo happy playing in the snow. I am not sure if I love the snow coz I don't have much hair.

    Herbie's mum is a very good photographer - you can borrow her (except for 1 problem - distance)

    Oh before I forget, my mom took one of your pictures for my blog (she has asked me to seek your permission but I forgot - sooooory)

    Love always

  34. Sunshade, wow ... you are enjoying yourself ... and err ... .getting exposed :P

  35. snowball! it looks delicious... yum yum

  36. Hey guys,

    I really really LOVE snow as you can see, but it's too bad they are almost completely gone now.....

    And as for that particular photo, well I wanted to say "let your imagination run wild" but my mum was supervising, so I put down what she had in mind. But really, please let your imagination go go GO!!!

    Love nibbles to all,
    Miss Sunshade
